adegenet adegenet 2.1.11 infile related

I am unable to convert a *.str file into a genind object using the read.structure() command. If I use original "nancycats.str", it works, whereas for any other file it does not. If I try to fool by pasting my file into nancycats.str, it goes till conversion but doesn't convert. But when I revert to original "nancycats.str", it works well.

Modifications tried:

Shortcut for path:

obj1 <- read.structure(system.file("files/Adadig_ImpNgb.str",package="adegenet"))
Error in if (!toupper(.readExt(file)) %in% c("STR", "STRU")) stop("File extension .stru expected") :
argument is of length zero
In addition: Warning messages:
1: package ‘adegenet’ was built under R version 4.4.2
2: package ‘ade4’ was built under R version 4.4.2

Providing a full path:

obj1 <- read.structure("C:/Users/PHendre/OneDrive - CIFOR-ICRAF/Documents/R/win-library/4.0/adegenet/files/Adadig_ImpNgb.str", package="adegenet")
Error in read.structure("C:/Users/PHendre/OneDrive - CIFOR-ICRAF/Documents/R/win-library/4.0/adegenet/files/Adadig_ImpNgb.str", :
unused argument (package = "adegenet")

Same "nancycats.str" relabelled as "nancycatsdupl.str" without changing anything

obj1 <- read.structure(system.file("files/nancycatsdupl.str",package="adegenet"))
Error in if (!toupper(.readExt(file)) %in% c("STR", "STRU")) stop("File extension .stru expected") :
argument is of length zero

Pasting the infile into "nancycats.str" following error:

obj1 <- read.structure(system.file("files/nancycats.str",package="adegenet"))

How many genotypes are there?

How many markers are there?

Which column contains labels for genotypes ('0' if absent)?

Which column contains the population factor ('0' if absent)?

Which other optional columns should be read (press 'return' when done)?

Which row contains the marker names ('0' if absent)?

Are genotypes coded by a single row (y/n)?

Converting data from a STRUCTURE .stru file to a genind object...

Error in txt[(lastline - n + 1):lastline] :
only 0's may be mixed with negative subscripts

The original "nancycats.str" (removing populaiton factor line)

obj1 <- read.structure(system.file("files/nancycats.str",package="adegenet"))

How many genotypes are there?

How many markers are there?

Which column contains labels for genotypes ('0' if absent)?

Which column contains the population factor ('0' if absent)?

Which other optional columns should be read (press 'return' when done)?

Which row contains the marker names ('0' if absent)?

Are genotypes coded by a single row (y/n)?

Converting data from a STRUCTURE .stru file to a genind object...