Hello all...working on a project here and my code is below....few questions..
How can I add labels to the X axis bins? Below each bin I'd like for them to say 0.0-1.0, 1.1-2.0, etc...
How can I add percents and total counts to the TOP of these bins on the histogram?
I'm not summing anything up on the Y axis. Is there a way to remove the Y axis counts? As you can see from my graph label below I don't want anything there but count is being added my default.
WAR <- read.csv("WAR.csv")
## Only Pitchers displayed in a DF
pitchers <- filter(WAR, Type == "Pitcher")
##2020 pitchers only
pitchers20 <- filter(pitchers, year == 2020)
##2021 pitchers only
pitchers21 <- filter(pitchers, year == 2021)
##Only Hitters displayed in a DF
hitters <- filter(WAR, Type == "Hitter")
##2020 hitters only
hitters20 <- filter(hitters, year == 2020)
##2021 hitters only
hitters21 <- filter(hitters, year == 2021)
##2020 all WAR
WAR20 <- filter (WAR, year ==2020)
#2021 all WAR
WAR21 <- filter( WAR, year == 2021)
#2021 WAR histogram with custom bins and scales
ggplot(WAR21, aes(x=WAR))+
geom_histogram(fill='steelblue', col='black', bins=12)+
labs(title = "2021 MLB fWAR Distribution, No PA/IP Minimums")+
scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(-2.,8.5, by = 1.00))+
ylab ("NA dont want a Y axis")+
theme(axis.title.y = element_text(color="#993333", size=13, face="bold"))+
theme(axis.title.x = element_text(color="#993333", size=13, face="bold"))+
theme(plot.title = element_text(color="Dark Red", size=14, face="bold.italic"))+
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(color = "dark red", size = 9, face ="bold"))
##above how do I label them 0-1, 1-2, etc. on the X axis?```
Since WAR.csv was not shared, I substituted the mtcars dataset in the example below, preserving as much of your code as possible. My updates are marked with # update:
Counts above the bars were added using a summary data set, mtcars_labels, within the geom_text() function
The y axis label was removed using ylab("")
Bin labels were added within scale_x_continuous via the labels argument. Note, this vector needs to be the same length as the breaks.
y axis counts and ticks were removed within theme() with axis.text.y and axis.ticks.y
I've eliminated Y axis counts and ticks. How do I edit the bins? It's only showing two bins but I need 12 and to sum all those numbers in each bin instead of all the extra numbers.
I am confused when you changed scale_x_continuous breaks...I had this originally below denoting to start at -2.0 all the way up to 8.5 and separated by 1.00. Why did you change to 4,8, 2?
scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(-2.,8.5, by = 1.00))+
Since WAR.csv was not shared, I used the mtcars data set and altered the ggplot code to fit this data (plot was of cyl, which only has options of 4/6/8, so that's why I chose seq(4,8,2) for breaks).
In your case, since you need 12 bins, try the following code. I changed the breaks to go to 9 to create a vector of length 12. Change the labels to be a vector of length 12 of your desired outputs ("bin_1" etc. is used for illustration). These lengths need to be in sync.
As for WAR21_labels, since the length of your bins is 12, you will need to group by and aggregate in a way that produces the 12 values you want displayed above the bars.