Adding ledgend to a plot

I cannot changethe default position of legend of this plot.

ggline(data = A,x="time",y="survival",
group="Concentration",color = "Concentration",add = c("mean_sd"),
xlab = "Time(hpf)",ylab = "Survival(%)",
palette =c("#CC0066","green","#FFFF00","#000999","#66CCFF","#FF9900","#FF0000"),
linetype = "solid")

Try something like

p <- ggline(data = A,x="time",y="survival",
group="Concentration",color = "Concentration",add = c("mean_sd"),
xlab = "Time(hpf)",ylab = "Survival(%)",
palette =c("#CC0066","green","#FFFF00","#000999","#66CCFF","#FF9900","#FF0000"),
linetype = "solid")
ggpar(p, legend = "top")

The documentation for the legend argument of ggpar says:
"character specifying legend position. Allowed values are one of c("top", "bot-
tom", "left", "right", "none"). To remove the legend use legend = "none". Leg-
end position can be also specified using a numeric vector c(x, y)"

Thank you so much. Got it sorted.

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