Hello everyone,
I received help on this forum recently to compile an xy scatter graph with points and lines. Now I'd like to add error bars to the points. However, I always get an error message, after I added the geom_errorbar code and then have RStudio show me the graphs. (Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) : object 'name' not found)
I'll add 3 files to this post. One file is the code, the other two files are the used data tables for the lines and points in the graph. (I use excel for the sheets, so be aware of the import code) Any help is greatly appreciated.
Line.pdf (100.2 KB)
Point.pdf (73.2 KB)
R-Code.pdf (72.5 KB)
The files don't contain the code for the error bars, but are the working versions to produce the graphs.
The error bars are supposed to show the +- Standard Deviation (StDev) for the respective average points (Ave). The necessary values were precalculated in excel.