How to add deff to the following?
as_survey_design(ids=grappe_no,fpc=fpc, weights=HH_weight_normalized)
table <- bogodogo_weightedpointcoverage_srvyr %>%
group_by(covered) %>%
summarize(proportion=survey_prop(vartype="ci", level=.95),
as_survey_design(ids=grappe_no,fpc=fpc, weights=HH_weight_normalized)
table <- bogodogo_weightedpointcoverage_srvyr %>%
group_by(covered) %>%
summarize(proportion=survey_prop(vartype="ci", level=.95, deff=TRUE),
total=survey_total(na.rm=TRUE, deff=TRUE))
This doesn't display the deff in the table below -
mudug_weightedpointcoverage_srvyr <- df_child_level_mudug_point_coverage_SAM %>%
as_survey_design(ids=grappe_no,fpc=fpc, weights=HH_weight_normalized)
table <- mudug_weightedpointcoverage_srvyr %>%
group_by(covered_SAM) %>%
summarize(proportion=survey_prop(vartype="ci", level=.95),
table <- table %>% select(-starts_with("total_"))
gt(table) |>
gt::cols_label(covered_SAM = "Covered",
proportion = "Point coverage",
proportion_low = "Lower Bound- 95% CI",
proportion_upp="Upper Bound- 95% CI",
#deff="Design effect",
total = "Count") |>
tab_spanner("Proportion", contains("prop")) |>
tab_spanner("Total", contains("total")) |>
fmt_percent(contains("prop"), drop_trailing_zeros = T) |>
cols_width(proportion:total ~ px(75))
It seems you left out the deff=TRUE
argument in the survey_prop
function. You should end up with something on your table with a variable called proportion_deff if you add that argument.
It returns NA- my proportion is with characters, is this a problem with DEFF?
December 22, 2021, 2:19pm
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