Adding a new column to a table

This is an example data with what I am working with:

     ~item, ~quantity,
     "saw",        2L,
     "saw",        4L,
     "saw",        6L,
  "hammer",        1L,
  "hammer",        2L,
  "hammer",        3L

I want to calculate mean for each item and create a new column that shows it

this is what I am trying to get:

     ~item, ~quantity, ~mean,
     "saw",        2L,    4L,
     "saw",        4L,    4L,
     "saw",        6L,    4L,
  "hammer",        1L,    2L,
  "hammer",        2L,    2L,
  "hammer",        3L,    2L

I tried this:

df <- df %>% 
  group_by(item) %>%
    mean = mean(quantity) 
  ) %>%

but something is not working

Based on what you've provided I was able to reproduce what you were trying to get.


df <- tibble::tribble(
     ~item, ~quantity,
     "saw",        2L,
     "saw",        4L,
     "saw",        6L,
  "hammer",        1L,
  "hammer",        2L,
  "hammer",        3L

# Using dplyr pipes
df <- df %>%
  group_by(item) %>%
  mutate(mean = mean(quantity)) %>%


# A tibble: 6 x 3
  item   quantity  mean
  <chr>     <int> <dbl>
1 saw           2     4
2 saw           4     4
3 saw           6     4
4 hammer        1     2
5 hammer        2     2
6 hammer        3     2

Could it be that other packaged are intervening and messing the result up?


Did you receive an error when you ran this particular section?

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