add some lists to a nested list by loop

I get some data frames with different dimensions from a loop. I would like to save each of these data frames as a list into a big nested list. How can I do it?
Here, I have written a simple incomplete example.

List_a = list()
List_b = list()
 for (i in 1: length(x)) {

list_a [[i]] = W   #After some calculations I will reach "W" which is data frame
List_b = cbind(List_b, List1[[i]])    #how should I write this line?

Thanks in advance

I get some data frames with different dimensions from a loop - an example :

x <- 3:5
for(i in seq_along(x)){
  x_ <- x[i]
  W <- data.frame(matrix(x_,nrow=x_,ncol=x_))

expanded above to show how to save each into a list:

x <- 3:5
big_list <- list()
for(i in seq_along(x)){
  x_ <- x[i]
  W <- list(data.frame(matrix(x_,nrow=x_,ncol=x_)))
  big_list <- append(big_list,W)


please note the use of triple back ticks on a new line

code here

to format the code.
The forum does not recognise </>

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Thank you so much :slight_smile:

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