Hi, I am trying to add a progress bar in order to show me the remaining time for the gwr.basic command. From what I have seen on the internet, they used a progress bar to estimate the time in for loops. So, my questions are two:
Can I use the progress bar to show me the remaining time of a command?
If so, could some1 help me build the progress bar?
The code for the gwr.basic command is shown below:
block.data = read.csv(file = "C:/Users/nikos/OneDrive/Desktop/tst/block.data_60.csv")
x = as.data.frame(block.data$x)
y = as.data.frame(block.data$y)
sint = as.matrix(cbind(x, y))
coordinates(block.data) = c("x", "y")
eq1 <- ntl ~ pan
dist = gw.dist(dp.locat = sint, focus = 0, longlat = F)
abw = bw.gwr(eq1,
data = block.data,
approach = "CV",
kernel = "bisquare",
adaptive = T,
p = 2,
longlat = F,
dMat = dist,
parallel.method = "cluster")
ab_gwr = gwr.basic(eq1,
data = block.data,
bw = abw,
kernel = "bisquare",
adaptive = T,
p = 2,
longlat = F,
dMat = dist,
F123.test = F,
cv = F,
parallel.method = "cluster") this is the chunk of code I would like to see the progress bar
and here are some data:
structure(list(x = c(589950L, 590410L, 590870L, 591330L), y = c(1046270L,
1046270L, 1046270L, 1046270L), ntl = c(0.241782873868942, 1.35089957714081,
1.17773711681366, 1.15469062328339), pan = c(0.00410647705618725,
0.00414160621792964, 0.00422592290805332, 0.00413694752910941
)), row.names = c(NA, 4L), class = "data.frame")
Many thanks