(This is my first topic, maybe it's not well done)
I did machine learning models and then I plotted the ROC curves of the models. (random forest, LDA, and regression with penalty)
I need to plot all the results in 1 plot
It worked fine af but I have to present it with f****** markdown and the same code doesn't work now
My chunk:
plot(forestperf, main='ROC', col = 3 , lwd = 2)
plot(perf,col = 2, lwd= 2 ,add=TRUE)
plot(perfR, col=5 , lwd=2 , add=T)
plot(perfL, col='#996600' , lwd=2, add=T)
plot(perfE, col=9 , lwd=2, add = T)
legend(0.6, 0.6, c('random forest', 'LDA' , 'ridge' ,
'lasso', 'elastic net'), col=c(3,2,5,'#996600',9), lty=c(1,1,1,1,1) )
When I do it within a chunk it says that performances cannot be plotted.
Is anyone able to help me? ^^