Add Linear Discriminant Analysis Line and Show Equation on ggplot (Rstudio)

Rather than using an incorrect line generated by lm using geom_smooth(method = lm), I wanted to plot the line that a linear discriminant analysis would consider "0." I understand how to get the output data with LD1 and LD2, but not the specific equation it generates, or how to add this line to a ggplot with the X and Y values used as an input.

##Create dataframe

Category<-c("ClassII", "ClassII", "ClassII", "ClassII", "ClassII", "ClassII", "ClassII", "ClassII", "ClassII", "ClassII", "ClassII", "ClassII", "ClassII", "ClassII", "ClassII", "ClassIII", "ClassIII", "ClassIII", "ClassIII", "ClassIII", "ClassIII", "ClassIII", "ClassIII", "ClassIII", "ClassIII", "ClassIII", "ClassIII", "ClassIII", "ClassIII", "ClassI", "ClassI", "ClassI", "ClassI", "ClassI", "ClassI", "ClassI", "ClassI", "ClassI", "ClassI", "ClassI", "ClassI", "ClassIV", "ClassIV", "ClassIV", "ClassIV", "ClassIV", "ClassIV", "ClassIV", "ClassIV", "ClassIV", "ClassIV", "ClassIV")




##Creates plot I want to add LDA line and equation to
ggplot(data, aes(x=D, y=H)) + geom_point(aes(x = D, y = H, color = data$Size, shape=data$Category), size = 4) + scale_color_gradient(breaks=c(6, 8, 10, 12, 15),low = "blue1", high = "red1")+xlab("D") +ylab("H")+theme_classic()+theme(legend.position = "none")

varsDH <- cbind(data$H, data$D)
post_hocDH <-lda(data$Category~ varsDH, CV = F)
plot_ldaDHbyCategory <- data.frame(data[, "H"], lda =predict(post_hocDH)$x)

Not sure what is meant. Same as decision boundary or discriminate line?

I believe the discriminant line--the line used to separate points above and below "0."

That's just

mtcars |> ggplot(aes(mpg,drat)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 3.5)

Created on 2023-05-02 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

but that may not be a discriminate line necessarily

It is possible I misunderstood. In that case, what I am looking for may indeed be the discriminate line.

Essentially, I am looking for a line that would look similar to that generated by geom_smooth(method = lm), but calculated using LDA. This line should follow the pattern of the data.

you want to see on your current plot, where LD1 and LD2 are approaching zero ?
I think the following visually represents that. its a sort of a heatmap for what ld1 and ld2 values are across the plot pane with the current axis of D and H for x and y respectively. the gradient I chose is 0 as white; for each pair of points; the left side one is LD1 and the right side one is LD2

the code for the above is

##Create dataframe

Category<-c("ClassII", "ClassII", "ClassII", "ClassII", "ClassII", "ClassII", "ClassII", "ClassII", "ClassII", "ClassII", "ClassII", "ClassII", "ClassII", "ClassII", "ClassII", "ClassIII", "ClassIII", "ClassIII", "ClassIII", "ClassIII", "ClassIII", "ClassIII", "ClassIII", "ClassIII", "ClassIII", "ClassIII", "ClassIII", "ClassIII", "ClassIII", "ClassI", "ClassI", "ClassI", "ClassI", "ClassI", "ClassI", "ClassI", "ClassI", "ClassI", "ClassI", "ClassI", "ClassI", "ClassIV", "ClassIV", "ClassIV", "ClassIV", "ClassIV", "ClassIV", "ClassIV", "ClassIV", "ClassIV", "ClassIV", "ClassIV")



## Creates plot I want to add LDA line and equation to
(p1 <- ggplot(data) +
  geom_point(aes(x = D, y = H, size = Size, shape = Category), size = 4) +
  xlab("D") +
  ylab("H") +
  theme_classic() +
  theme(legend.position = "top"))

post_hocDH <-lda(Category~ H + D , CV = F,data = data)

nx <- 16; ny <- 16
rd <- range(data$D)
rh <- range(data$H)
xyg <- expand.grid(D=xg,H=yg)
ld_grid <- cbind(xyg,predict(post_hocDH,
                             newdata = xyg)$x)
p1 + geom_point(
  data = ld_grid,
    x = D,
    y = H,
    colour = LD1
  alpha = 0.3,
  position = position_nudge(x = -.3)
) + geom_point(
  data = ld_grid,
    x = D,
    y = H,
    colour = LD2
  alpha = 0.3,
  position = position_nudge(x = .3)
)+scale_color_gradient2(low = 'red',
                        high = 'blue')

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