Good Evening
I am trying to get line graph for mean and median of the numeric variable. We have two, lines corresponding to mean
and median
. Here is a sample data:
A tibble: 4 × 2
year budget
<dbl> <dbl>
1 1981 2
2 1982 5
3 1983 2
4 1982 2
In the dataset, budget
is a numeric variable. The goal is to get two line plots depicting the variation of mean and median of budget
as a function of the variable year
. Here is my attempt:
# geom_point(colour='blue')+
labs(title="Variation of Mean and Median of Budget vs. Time")
I was able to make this plot work. Here is my question; is there a way to add legend so that we can identify which line correpsonds to mean and which line coresponds to median. I plan to hide the code in html document, therefore the reader won't be able to see the R
Help/advice is greatly appreciated.