I am writing a shiny app and a part of it allows users to draw plots with with a variety of customized elements. The logic I am designing this plotting function is writing a bunch of if statements go like this,
p = ggplot(data)
p = p + geom_x
p = p + lable(x)
however, there is a problem int his design. Say we are in one if statement where we are asked to adjust the point size of a geom_point plot and the ggplot object generated from the previous if statements is this
p = ggplot(data) + geom_point(...) + geom_text(...)
My tentative solution is
to do
p + aes(size = selected size)
but how do I make sure this aes(size) goes to geom_point instead of geom_text?
This form problem could be further generalized to how can I add an element to geom_x after the geom_x was already added to the plot?
From a ggplot-perspective, you would do this by putting the fixed aesthetic value inside of `geom_point(), e.g.
geom_point(colour = "red", size = 3)
so, given that, you would want to essentially regenerate the geom_point(...) part of the plot.
There are a few ggplot extensions that allow for interactive editing of plots. The source code for those extensions might be a helpful place to look (even though I think these two are add-ins):
Otherwise, you might consider moving this to shiny, since I think this might be more about the logic of your shiny app than ggplot itself (though, of course, it's totally your call).