Add a value box to tab panels using flexdashboard

I’m beginning to learn how to create dashboards using the flexdashboard package. However, I have encountered an issue to add a value box using the valueBox function. In particular, how can I add a value box above the plot in Panel 1 and Panel 2 ?

> ---
> title: "Test"
> output: 
>   flexdashboard::flex_dashboard:
>     theme:
>       version: 4
>       bootswatch: minty
>     orientation: columns
>     source_code: embed
> runtime: shiny
> ---
> ```{r global, include = FALSE}
> rm(list=ls(all=TRUE))
> library(ggplot2)
> library(plotly)
> library(flexdashboard)
> library(shinydashboard)
> library(shiny)
> library(rmarkdown)
> year <- seq(2006, 2023, 1)
> value <- runif(length(year), min = 0, max = 25) 
> ```
> Sidebar {.sidebar}
> =====================================
> **Sidebar 1**
> ```{r}
> ```
> **Sidebar 2**
> ```{r}
> ```
> Page 1
> =======================================================================
> Column {data-width=700}
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ### **Title 1**
> ```{r, fig.width = 5, fig.height= 10}
> ```
> ### **Title 2**
> ```{r, fig.width = 5, fig.height= 10}
> ```
> Column {data-width=600}
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ### **Title 3**
> ```{r, fig.width = 24, fig.height= 6}
> b <- flexdashboard::valueBox(1000, icon = "fa-line-chart",col="orange")
> ## Retrieve the plot
> p <- plot(year, value)
> rp <- renderPlot({p}, height = 400, width = 600, res = 50)
> tabsetPanel(tabPanel("Panel 1", rp), tabPanel("Panel 2", rp))
> ```

I have tried the following code but it doesn’t work:

tabsetPanel(tabPanel("Panel 1", b, rp), tabPanel("Panel 2", b, rp))

Thank you very much for your help

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