ActionButton and dateInput don't work with htmltemplate in shiny

Hopefully someone can guide me on this

I am using an HTMLtemplate in a shiny App that I had already made before. The problem arises when implementing action buttons and dates, since I do not get any output when activating them, although when putting graphics of the same package with a

they do appear. I have to add commands to the htmltemplate or the css for the buttons to work?

The code is the following:



ui <- fluidPage(
    htmlTemplate(filename = "www/index.html",
                 explorer = fluidPage(
                     column(width = 4, tags$style('.input-sm {font-size: 12px; } label {font-weight: 300; margin-bottom: 10px; }'),
                            dateInput("fecha1", "Fecha inicial", value = "2015-01-01"),
                            dateInput("fecha2", "Fecha final", value = "2017-01-01"),
                            textInput("Stock","Ingresa un stock"),
                            actionButton("GO","Obtener info") ),
                     column(width = 8,
                 graf = fluidPage(
                     leaflet() |> 
                         addTiles() |> 
                         setView(-93.65, 42.0285, zoom = 4)

server <- function(input, output) {
    data <- eventReactive(input$GO,{
        getSymbols(input$Stock,src = "yahoo", from= input$fecha1 ,to= input$fecha2 ,auto.assign=F)
    datos <- reactive({data.frame(Fecha =  as.Date(index(data())), data()     ) |> 
    grafico <- reactive({
        datos() |>
            rename( simbolo = names(datos()[5])   )
    grafico1 <- reactive({
        grafico() |>
            filter(simbolo == max(simbolo) | simbolo == min(simbolo)  )
    output$graf1 <- renderEcharts4r({
        grafico() |>
            e_charts(Fecha) |>
            e_line(simbolo, symbol = "none", name = input$Stock) |>
            e_tooltip(trigger = "axis") |>
            #e_datazoom() |>
            e_y_axis(min = min(grafico()$simbolo)) |>
            e_color(color = "#8a3333") |>
                feature = "magicType",
                type = list("line", "bar")
            ) |>
            e_brush() |>
            e_toolbox_feature(feature = "saveAsImage") |>
            e_toolbox_feature(feature = "restore")

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)


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The complete htmltemplate with css and js plugins is the following: template

This is a lot of code...
any chance you could pair it down to a minimal example that requires less overhead for a forum user to run (and read and understand) your code ?

I'm trying, but I don't have much experience with templates and I'm not sure how to minimize the code :pensive:

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