Hello folks,
I am new to R and am working on a school project and have using trying to test ACF test, the following code works unit the point ACF testing. I get the error as " Error in na.fail.default(as.ts(x)) : missing values in object" . this is using quantmod only. Please advise me as to how to fix this. thank you in advance .
My understand is the log return for the first date is missing. Please make corrections
I am trying to fo Augment dickey -fuller test after this and have following code; and get the error. Am I missing any library since I only have quantmod , please help , thanks in advance
m1=ar(AAPL, method='mle')
Error in ar.mle(x, aic = aic, order.max = order.max, na.action = na.action, :
MLE only implemented for univariate series