I am currently trying to access a xlsx file present in company sharepoint drive.
URL <- "https://xxxx.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/sites/cqa/xxxx/_layouts/15/doc2.aspx?sourcedoc=%7BFxxx390-B71D-4C71-B252-6E3DCA8E9FDA%7D&file=Updated%20LXXal%20Reqxxxxents%20for%20XXXXX%20XXXX%20Actixxxx.xlsx&action=default&mobileredirect=true&cid=0abe8bcd-c785-4c14-a9f3-263e8e806aa6"
I read multiple links but none of them seem to work. Tried using httr::GET
url <- "above url"
r <- GET(url, authenticate("amit.sahoo@xxxx.com","password"))
But getting the below error response:
Date: 2022-04-08 13:07
Status: 403
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Size: 13 B
Tried using Microsoft365R::get_sharepoint_site("above url")
but it shows "Need admin approval".
Is there any other direct way to read the file through R in a dataframe. Any suggestion would help. Asking this question in this community as i didn't receive any suggestion in the other communities.