Access website.title in a meta shortcode in Quarto

I am using shortcodes in Quarto to access attributes in the _quarto.yml file. This works for some attributes and not others.

Let's say I have simple Quarto project with just two files:


The contents of _quarto.yml are:

  type: website

  title: "foobaz"

  something: "Something something"

Note that I made my own new attribute, for testing purposes, tmp.something. Sorry about the names, by the way.

The contents of index.qmd are

title: "The index page of the foobaz website"

This is the title from this page's header: "{{< meta title >}}".

I can even access the `tmp.something` in `_quarto.yml`: "{{< meta tmp.something >}}". 

But I can not access {{< meta website.title >}}.

If I render this, in the console output, I get

WARNING (C:/PROGRA~1/RStudio/RESOUR~1/app/bin/quarto/share/filters/main.lua:17477) Unknown meta key website.title specified in a metadata Shortcode.

And the rendered html is

The index page of the foobaz website
This is the title from this page’s header: “The index page of the foobaz website”.

I can even access the tmp.something in _quarto.yml: “Something something”.

But I can not access ?meta:website.title.

So I can access the title in the yaml header of the index.qmd itself. And I can access something from _quarto.yml, namely the tmp.something. But I can not access website.title from _quarto.yml.

I am very puzzled by this because it seems like such as basic requirement, i.e. to access top level attributes like the website's title and so on. I have spent a long time looking for anyone reporting this problem or any documentation telling me what I am doing wrong, but to no avail.

I have tested on Linux and Windows. I have tested in RStudio and in the terminal. I am using Quarto 1.5.57.

For reference this has been asked at

It is currently not possible to access those this way