Access the Posit website via an iFrame on Quarto Webpage

I'm setting up a website for an intro to R class. To make things easier for students, I've used iFrames to access CRAN to download R and for support pages. However, anything on posit's site loads a blank iFrame. I have tried changing sandbox to "allow-same-origin" etc.

I know some webpages fully block iFrames, is the case of Or is there some way I can get it to show up?

Here's the HTML block I've used (I've tried with and without the sandbox options)

<iframe width="900" height="600" sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-popups allow-forms allow-top-navigation allow-pointer-lock"

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This is what you should see in the browser console

So yes, the website defines X-frame-options by security

it uses sameorigin which is

The page can only be displayed if all ancestor frames are same origin to the page itself.

So you can't use this on an iframe in another website