I'm looking for making a plot using Rstudio. Plot. Unfortunately, I'm R "newbie" so I'm not familiar with it. I wrote this one in r studio plot(y,x,main="The Sine Function", ylab=x,type="l", col="blue") which is very close from what I'm querying for. In the link that I provide, I want to add instead of the dots the Ids(Data_frames in my data) of each point.
An example of my data file is :
Data_frame1 14 0
Data_frame2 8 0
Data_frame3 19 0
Data_frame4 2 0
Data_frame5 27 0
Data_frame6 31 0
Right. lines will layer over the existing points plot. Again, this is much more intuitive with ggplot2.
If this answers your question, please see FAQ: How do I mark a solution? for the benefit of those to follow. ("Penny a point, ain't no one keeping score")