The data I used is in the attachment, so the problem I have is that I want to use days as x axis and time preference as y axis and make line plot or linear regression for them.
I want to divide the data into 8 groups, that is, two strains (1,0) * four types of stress condition combinations ( in which the number of different stress columns are stress.trian, stress rec1, stress rec2 ---000,101,110, 010 respectively). Since there are many time preference values for a single today, I also need to aggregate them to get the mean values in order to draw the line or do the linear regression. The ideal case is to get a graph like the one in attachment ( but that is the one without linear regression).
I tried and write the code like this:
data10 <- melt(data8, id.vars = "", = "days", = "time preference")
data9<-cbind(data1, data10)
pointcolor<-rep("purple", nrow(data9))
pointcolor[data9$Stress.train== "1"& data9$Stress.rec1=="1"& data9$Stress.rec2=="0"]<-"blue"
pointcolor[data9$Stress.train =="0"& data9$Stress.rec1 =="1"& data9$Stress.rec2 =="0"]<-"green"
pointcolor[data9$Stress.train =="0"& data9$Stress.rec1 =="0"& data9$Stress.rec2 =="0"]<-"black"
plot(aggregate(data9$`time preference`, by=list(data9$days), mean), col = pointcolor, bty = "n", pch = 20, cex = 0.7, cex.axis = 0.8, las = 1,ylim=c(0,2),xlab="Days",ylab="time preference" )
legend("topright", legend = c("no stress", "ts+re2","ts+rs1","rs1"), fill = c("black", "purple","blue","green"), cex = 0.7)
So I first reshaped the data to the suitable format and merge it with another one, and I tried to give different color to different cases with fours types of stress combinations. But there is only black color shows in my final plot. I think maybe aggregate can't be used in that way (included in plot function)?
I tried ggplot and scatter.smooth also but all failed. How should I do? The most tricky things for me is how make those 8 lines distinguishable in the graph (ex. different colors for standing 4 different stress combinations and 2 line types for strains) and also how to put each day's time preference values distribution and there means in the graph when I draw the line also, just like the graph shown in attachment.