7 point likert scale


Please I need help starting on my thesis analysis. My survey is a 7point Likert scale with demographics. I will appreciate a step by step guide or recommended videos to watch on what to do. on R. Thank you

Hi @Anike ,

these packages offer the desired functionality

and seem to have what you are looking for.

Welcome to the forum.

Could you tell us a bit about what you are studying? There may be a number of tools that you may want to use depending on your subject matter and the specific questions you are asking. Something like an article abstract might do as a description.

It also might help us if we could see some sample data if your data is not confidential. A handy way to supply data is to use the dput() function. Do dput(mydata) where "mydata" is the name of your dataset. For really large datasets probably dput(head(mydata, 100)) will do. Paste the output between


Thank you @vedoa . I have read through the LikertMakeR. Not sure I exactly understanding it.

Thank you @jrkrideau. I am looking at the relationship between variables- 1DV and 2 IV but the data is confidential. Any recommended videos or tutorials to watch ?

I think vedoa may have misread the information on LikertMakeR . It looks fascinating but is not directly relevant to analyzing raw data. It looks more like a package to analyse Likert data post publication.

I am sorry but " I am looking at the relationship between variables- 1DV and 2 IV" tells us nothing. I have no idea what "2 IV" is. Is it something about a fish, a human, or maybe a tree?

We need a statement of what your thesis is investigating.

If the data is confidential, then some mock-up data that corresponds in format to the real data should be fine. Normally we don't care about the data as much as the format of the data.

Thank you, the LikertMakeR link is interesting.

The first link appears to be broken. Did you mean CRAN: Package likert

I think @ vedoa meant HH. It has one or two likert() functions to produce plots of Likert and Semantic Differential scales.

Looks useful but we still need to know what you are looking for your analysis.

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Thank you very much. HH looks interesting.

I am not the original poster with the original query, I just noticed the topic and found it interesting.

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