I made a very basic app (only a couple deviations away from the default Shiny app) and it works fine locally but when I try to deploy to shinyapps.io, I get a 500 error. When I run options(rsconnect.http.trace=TRUE)
and looked at the output, it keeps saying "Connection cache is full". I'm only loading 5 packages in (dplyr, ggplot2, tigris, shiny, and rsconnect). I'm not sure if this has to do with my RDS files (shown with their file sizes below).
Things I've already tried:
- Deleting the app's .dct file and redeploying
- Deleting the app from shinyapps.io and redeploying
- Turning off package caching in the shinyapps.io settings
The very strange part of all of this is that when I do an initial deploy from scratch, it will say that the app successfully deployed but then when I get on shinyapps.io, there are no logs. Any help would be appreciated - thank you!