2023 VCE Stats Tool - Shiny Contest Submission

2023 VCE Stats Tool

Authors: RedzGoose

Abstract: A tool for visualizing statistics for the VCE results for alumni (students scoring over 40 in any subject) of 2023. Created by a Year 9 student (me :P) so should be understandable enough!

Select anything on the navigation bar to view its visualization - for example, popular subjects will show you the subjects which had the most students scoring over 40. You can customize visualizations by changing the dropdowns, sliders and checkboxes.

Full Description: There are six types of visualizations available:

  • Popular subjects (subjecst with most people scoring over 40)
  • Number of students by score (by subject)
  • School rankings by subject
  • Student results searcher
  • Pie charts of locally collected response data
  • Linear bar charts of locally collected response data

Shiny app: VCE Statistics Tool
Repo: GitHub - RedzGoose/vce_statistics_tool: A Shiny for Python tool to provide statistics on VCE results in 2023.


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