RStudio frequent fatal error and session aborting

Hello, I've been running into issues with RStudio encountering a fatal error and the session aborting not infrequently since yesterday. To my knowledge, nothing has changed about the computer or RStudio or the code. I've had some luck running the code line by line, but this is not always fool-proof and not a viable way forward.

I'm running the latest version, R version 4.4.1 (2024-06-14) -- "Race for Your Life"
Operating system: macOS Sonoma 14.5.

2024-07-02T17:09:19.714058Z [rsession-username] ERROR system error 22 (Invalid argument) [path: /Volumes/username/Analyses/PatientCharacterization_s23-01271/.Rproj.user/211372BB/sources/session-1959e957/967897E9]; OCCURRED AT Error rstudio::session::source_database::get(const std::string &, bool, boost::shared_ptr) src/cpp/session/SessionSourceDatabase.cpp:706; LOGGED FROM: Error rstudio::session::source_database::list(std::vector<boost::shared_ptr> *) src/cpp/session/SessionSourceDatabase.cpp:850
2024-07-02T17:09:23.276108Z [rsession-username] ERROR system error 77 (No locks available) [lock-file: ]; OCCURRED AT virtual Error rstudio::core::AdvisoryFileLock::release() src/cpp/core/file_lock/AdvisoryFileLock.cpp:152; LOGGED FROM: Error rstudio::session::source_database::supervisor::detachFromSourceDatabase() src/cpp/session/SessionSourceDatabaseSupervisor.cpp:557
2024-07-02T17:09:23.276108Z [rsession-username] ERROR system error 77 (No locks available) [lock-file: ]; OCCURRED AT virtual Error rstudio::core::AdvisoryFileLock::release() src/cpp/core/file_lock/AdvisoryFileLock.cpp:152; LOGGED FROM: Error rstudio::session::source_database::supervisor::detachFromSourceDatabase() src/cpp/session/SessionSourceDatabaseSupervisor.cpp:557
2024-07-02T17:09:23.277994Z [rsession-username] ERROR system error 2 (No such file or directory); OCCURRED AT Error rstudio::core::FilePath::getChildren(std::vector &) const src/cpp/shared_core/FilePath.cpp:933; LOGGED FROM: Error rstudio::session::source_database::supervisor::(anonymous namespace)::removeSessionDir(const FilePath &) src/cpp/session/SessionSourceDatabaseSupervisor.cpp:150
2024-07-02T17:09:23.277994Z [rsession-username] ERROR system error 2 (No such file or directory); OCCURRED AT Error rstudio::core::FilePath::getChildren(std::vector &) const src/cpp/shared_core/FilePath.cpp:933; LOGGED FROM: Error rstudio::session::source_database::supervisor::(anonymous namespace)::removeSessionDir(const FilePath &) src/cpp/session/SessionSourceDatabaseSupervisor.cpp:150
2024-07-02T17:09:32.343025Z [rsession-username] ERROR system error 45 (Operation not supported) [lock-file: /Volumes/username/Analyses/PatientCharacterization_s23-01271/.Rproj.user/211372BB/sources/session-1959e957/lock_file]; OCCURRED AT virtual bool rstudio::core::AdvisoryFileLock::isLocked(const FilePath &) const src/cpp/core/file_lock/AdvisoryFileLock.cpp:82; LOGGED FROM: virtual bool rstudio::core::AdvisoryFileLock::isLocked(const FilePath &) const src/cpp/core/file_lock/AdvisoryFileLock.cpp:84

**i've repalced my user name with 'username' in the text above for privacy .

  • I'm running the same code that previously did not cause any issues (~ a week ago).
  • I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling both R and RStudio, but the problem persists.
  • The only packages I'm loading are tidyverse, styler, and readxl.
  • My files are all stored on a work server, and I also often encounter 'Error Saving File', which may come up if the server times out. However, even after I reconnect to the server, the issue persists and I have to quit and restart RStudio. (not sure if this is related or not, but might explain some of the errors above)
  • in /Users/username/.local/share/rstudio/log/rsession-username.log, I'm also seeing two .log files (rsession-username.log, and rsession-username.1.log

I'm at my wits end and am not sure where to go from here, so any help/suggestions are appreciated.

Thank you in advance