Which tidyverse is the equivalent to search & replace from spreadsheets?

I've grown so accustomed to using tibbles, I totally forgot about stringsAsFactors = false. Thanks @hadley for making that possible. Also, thanks @danr for your feedback.

For those watching at home:

df3 <- data.frame(c1 = letters[1:5], c2 = 5:9, c3 = LETTERS[5:9], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df3 %>% mutate_if(is.character, str_replace_all, pattern = '[aeiouAEIOU]', replacement = '%%%%')
#>     c1 c2   c3
#> 1 %%%%  5 %%%%
#> 2    b  6    F
#> 3    c  7    G
#> 4    d  8    H
#> 5 %%%%  9 %%%%
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