When can I use a prefix created with `shiny::addResourcePath()` to access shared resources?

A learnr tutorial involves two primary contexts:

  1. The pre-render step that generates static content and prepares the tutorial content.
  2. The Shiny app step that runs the tutorial interactively for the user.

Since shiny::addResourcePath() is a function that has an affect on files and folders served by Shiny apps, it only affects the second context. In other words, you can expect


to work because the image is found by the user's browser when they interact with the running tutorial, after you've configured Shiny to make those images available at /images/.

OTOH, the examples in this R chunk do not work

knitr::include_graphics("/images/rstudio_logo.png") # Does not work
test <- readr::read_file("/scripts/example_script.R") # Does not work

because, as standard R chunks, they are evaluated during the pre-render step just as if you were running those commands in your R console. In those cases ,you'll need to adjust the file paths to locate the image and script on your disk relative to the source Rmd file.

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