What is the current state of R package mangers in 2019?

It is not package manager per se but for CLI with R there is littler
There is some pre made script for :package: installation presented in examples and script folder.

About packrat, it works well and system dependency is not an easy task. One face is that it is not always possible for a user to install linux dependencies on a server. I am curious if python pip can deal with that or not. :thinking:

It is often a two step process:

  1. Identify the system libraries an R :package: needs
  2. Install them using the OS package manager

There is some tools and service to help with that like sysreqs and its :package: sysreqs.

On some specific OS like debian, there is some precompiled :package: available in the OS package manager, here apt-get.

If you find something, please share!