Unexpected ")" in "

Welcome to the community!

I think the problem is being created because you have column names with spaces. Try this once:

boxplot (pilot$`Percent Germination` ~ pilot$`Seed Type` * pilot$`Light Treatment`,
xaxt = "n",
xlab = "Treatment",
ylab = "Percent Seed Germination (%)",
col = c("pink", "purple" ),
at = c(1,2, 4,5, 7,8))

If it does not solve the problem, please provide a minimal reproducible example. For your case, probably dput(head(pilot, 30)) will be enough. Change 30 if it's not appropriate.


@savita.m20 : Here were the problems:

Here you were trying to access Percent Germination, Seed Type and Light Treatment from pilot, and that failed. If you see my snippet, I added backticks (`) before and after these, and it works that way.

Hope that helps. If your problem is solved, will you please consider closing the thread? FAQ link below: