Here is code that performs the transformation you described. Please note how I provide runnable code, including the starting data. use of dput() and or datapasta package supports this as per the reprex guide.
df1 <- data.frame(
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
Id = c(42, 102, 14),
name = c("james", "cathy", "david"),
idSale1 = c(698, 574, 450),
saleAmount1 = c(30, 120, 70),
idSale2 = c(1002, 708, NA),
saleAmount2 = c(100, 40, NA)
pivot_longer(df1 %>% rename(clientname=name),
cols = contains("ale"),
names_pattern = "([A-Za-z]*)(\\d)",
names_to = c("text","num"),
names_repair = "unique") %>%
pivot_wider(id_cols = c("Id","clientname","num"),
names_from = "text",
values_from = "value") %>% select(-num) %>%