Rstudio -Hello, I hope if someone can help mr with that, I’m in the cape-stone project of data analytics course, when i would like to import the csv files I can’t do that, however using setwd() , readxl, read.csv , and a lot, but no benefit.

I would like to ask, maybe i need to install specific libraries ?

No you don't just use your local version of R and RStudio.
Just try to get the path correct.

You should start working with projects, the cool thing is the project path is the default path for the files to look for.
Open RStudio, go to File -> New Project, then create a new project somewhere. Create a new script or copy the existing one into the project folder and open it from within the project.
Then copy the file with the data into the project folder and all you need to do is:
data_in = read.csv("your_file.csv")


There seem to be several different issues going on here. It may help to explain what role is played by various products.

  • R is the product that does the actual computing. It's free. It has no relevant memory limits.
  • RStudio is the interface we use to provide programs and data to R. It is also free and has no memory limits. (There is a paid version, but the difference primarily has to do with support rather than capabilities.)
  • Posit Cloud is a computing service with R and RStudio pre-installed. The free version does have memory limits.

The error messages you've posted suggest that R can't find your file. The file paths look like they are on your desktop machine. If you are running on Posit Cloud you need to find the path on the server where you have uploaded your files.

The error messages do not suggest you have run out of memory, although of course you can see things we can't. If you have in fact run out of memory, you can pay for a version of Posit Cloud that is more expensive. But the usual recommendation is to run R and RStudio on your desktop machine which almost certainly has more memory than the free version of Posit Cloud.

Thanks a lot i will do my best @Matthias

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