Since this seems like a substantially different question, would you mind posting it as a new topic? (we do like to keep things tidy around here
What version of RStudio are you running? There's been a number of network-drive-related issues filed in the past, and development effort toward resolving them. Since network drives don't seem to be involved in @rob7's problem, probably best to also open a new topic if you want more help with this?
I remembered that there were reports in the past of some anti-virus software (including Windows Defender) causing freezes and extreme slowness in previous versions of RStudio:
I don't know if this is even likely to still be a source of problems (the IDE team may have long since made changes that work around such issues), but maybe something else to look at?
I'm not sure if this is what you meant or not, but if you were originally interested in the revealjs
R package, note that it's not dependent on RStudio: GitHub - rstudio/revealjs: R Markdown Format for reveal.js Presentations