Rowwise mutate ifelse returns row index of desired feature, not the feature itself

Hi there,

I have two dataframes pool_performance, to which I need to add info from payout_scheme based on data in pool_performance. Using rowwise mutate ifelse, the operation returns the row index of the value I'm looking for in payout_scheme, as opposed to the desired value in payout_scheme$policy_name.

What is wrong with the below?

Thanks in advance!

payout_scheme <- data.frame(
 a_rate_floor = rep(c(.7,.76,.81,.86,.91,.96),2),
 a_rate_ceil = rep(c(.75,.8,.85,.9,.95,1.0),2),
 a_count_floor = c(rep(36,6),rep(41,6)),
 a_count_ceil = c(rep(40,6),rep(45,6)),
 payout = c(250,280,300,325,350,420,320,395,540,570,650,700), 
 policy_name = c(paste0("A",seq(1,6,1)),paste0("B",seq(1,6,1))) 

pool_performance <- data.frame(
 id = seq(1,36,1),
 a_rate = runif(36, min = .5, max = .9),
 a_count = floor(runif(36, min = 35, max = 44))
 ) %>%
  a_rate_hit = ifelse(a_rate > min(payout_scheme$a_rate_floor),1,0),
  a_count_hit = ifelse(a_count > min(payout_scheme$a_count_floor),1,0)
 ) %>%
 rowwise() %>%
  qualified = ifelse(a_rate_hit == 1 && a_count_hit == 1,1,0),
  policy_1 = ifelse(qualified == 1, payout_scheme$policy_name[which(
   & payout_scheme$a_rate_ceil>a_rate
   & payout_scheme$a_count_floor <a_count
   & payout_scheme$a_count_ceil >a_count)],NA)

Applying the same logic outside the chained mutate command returns desired values; one example below.

 & payout_scheme$a_rate_ceil>pool_performance$a_rate[1]
 & payout_scheme$a_count_floor < pool_performance$a_count[1]
 & payout_scheme$a_count_ceil > pool_performance$a_count[1])]