rmarkdown: how can you show the title and the content of a two column slide in the same slide?

So, I haven't actually made one of these before, but I was able to get a two column layout with title working by playing around with some things:

Since it uses a template (as you're doing), I modified from the 2d example in the sol-eng GitHub repo.

The section that references two-columns wasn't actually using two columns. So, I modified it to follow the pattern from the 2c vignette you referenced:

### 4. Two Content
:::::::::::::: {.columns}
::: {.column}
* This layout has a placeholder for a title and two placeholders for content. 
* This layout is used when you specify two columns for a content slides at the slide level.
::: {.column}

:::::::::::::: {.columns}
::: {.column}
::: {.column}

which got me this:

Here's the same with the content from your Rmd:

### Two-column
:::::::::::::: {.columns}
::: {.column}
::: {.column}