I do not understand what is the problem. My previous code seems to work fine, if I guess correctly what you want to do. I can not be sure, as I do not know what does shadenorm
do, or which package contains this function. Here's an example with base graphics, and you can switch to ggplot2
if you prefer.
#> Loading required package: stats4
#> Attaching package: 'sn'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
#> sd
values <- seq(from = -1,
to = 2,
by = 0.01)
densities <- dsn(x = values,
xi = 0.1,
omega = 0.3,
alpha = 5)
plot(x = values,
y = densities,
type = "l")
abline(v = 0.2)
polygon(x = c(min(values), values[values < 0.2], 0.2),
y = c(0, densities[values < 0.2], 0),
border = NA,
col = adjustcolor(col = "blue",
alpha.f = 0.5))
If this does not help, please provide a reproducible example. And please take a look here: