render html from httr::POST inside shiny app?

Np! Happy learning!

My ideal shiny/plumber/htmlwidget setup would be...

  • Have a shiny app that knows only about the categories of the data... enough to make the UI
  • Make an iframe for the htmlwidget to appear
    • Maybe make this in a renderUI?
  • Change the iframe location to call the plumber API
  • Have the API return a full htmlwidget within that iframe.


  • Shiny will scale really well as the data is not duplicated in memory for each user
  • The data is housed in one location (plumber API)
    • The underlying data can be VERY large, which may not be suitable for a shiny app, but is ok for an R process to solve.
  • The API inner workings can be updated without redeploying the shiny application.


  • Two working applications must communicate with each other
  • The data and UI are separated from each other.