Recoding "all other values" of a Variable into one value

Hi, thanks for trying to provide some properly formatted sample data but you have missed some details to make it actually usable by us, for future reference on how to provide a proper reproducible example, please read the guide on this link

About your problem at hand, you can use the case_when() function from dplyr, see this example (Please notice the way I'm sharing it with you, that would be a proper reprex).


# Sample data on a copy/paste friendly format
Data <- data.frame(
    Variable = c("Germany", "Switzerland", "Bolivia", "Togo")

# Relevant code
Data %>% 
        new_variable = case_when(
            Variable == "Germany" ~ 1,
            Variable == "Switzerland" ~ 2,
            TRUE ~ 3
#>      Variable new_variable
#> 1     Germany            1
#> 2 Switzerland            2
#> 3     Bolivia            3
#> 4        Togo            3

Created on 2022-04-30 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)