reactiveFileReader halts until other process is finished

Here you can find out why promises::future_promise might not be what you are searching for in this context (intra-session vs. inter-session responsiveness).

I'd propose using callr::r_bg (for async R processes) or processx::process (all processes - r_bg is based on processx) in this situation.

Setting reactiveFileReader's session parameter to NULL suggests that you want to create a cross-session file reader - this needs to be done outside of the server function. Please see my related post here.


slow.function = function() {
  # this function is not part of the shiny app,
  # it may be inside another R package 
  # or even a System command using non-R software.
  # so you cannot edit it.
  for (i in 1:10) {
    cat(paste0("status = ", i, "\n"))

# create temp log file
logfile_tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".log")
# send temp log to UI twice per second
mylog <- reactiveFileReader(500, NULL, logfile_tmp, readLines)

ui <- fluidPage(
  h3("My process log:"),

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$mylog <- renderUI({
    HTML(paste(mylog(), collapse = '<br/>'))
  r_bg(func = function(slow.function){print(slow.function())}, args = list(slow.function), stdout = logfile_tmp, stderr = "2>&1")
  # or directly use processx::process instead of callr::r_bg
shinyApp(ui, server)