Hi, a reproducible example, called a reprex would help.
My suggestion would be to start simply with the example from help(trainControl
#> Loading required package: lattice
#> Loading required package: ggplot2
## Do 5 repeats of 10-Fold CV for the iris data. We will fit
## a KNN model that evaluates 12 values of k and set the seed
## at each iteration.
seeds <- vector(mode = "list", length = 51)
for(i in 1:50) seeds[[i]] <- sample.int(1000, 22)
## For the last model:
seeds[[51]] <- sample.int(1000, 1)
ctrl <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv",
repeats = 5,
seeds = seeds)
#> $method
#> [1] "repeatedcv"
#> $number
#> [1] 10
#> $repeats
#> [1] 5
#> $search
#> [1] "grid"
#> $p
#> [1] 0.75
#> $initialWindow
#> $horizon
#> [1] 1
#> $fixedWindow
#> [1] TRUE
#> $skip
#> [1] 0
#> $verboseIter
#> [1] FALSE
#> $returnData
#> [1] TRUE
#> $returnResamp
#> [1] "final"
#> $savePredictions
#> [1] FALSE
#> $classProbs
#> [1] FALSE
#> $summaryFunction
#> function (data, lev = NULL, model = NULL)
#> {
#> if (is.character(data$obs))
#> data$obs <- factor(data$obs, levels = lev)
#> postResample(data[, "pred"], data[, "obs"])
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x7faab3531458>
#> <environment: namespace:caret>
#> $selectionFunction
#> [1] "best"
#> $preProcOptions
#> $preProcOptions$thresh
#> [1] 0.95
#> $preProcOptions$ICAcomp
#> [1] 3
#> $preProcOptions$k
#> [1] 5
#> $preProcOptions$freqCut
#> [1] 19
#> $preProcOptions$uniqueCut
#> [1] 10
#> $preProcOptions$cutoff
#> [1] 0.9
#> $sampling
#> $index
#> $indexOut
#> $indexFinal
#> $timingSamps
#> [1] 0
#> $predictionBounds
#> $seeds
#> $seeds[[1]]
#> [1] 415 463 179 526 195 938 818 118 299 229 244 14 374 665 602 603 768 709 91
#> [20] 953 348 649
#> $seeds[[2]]
#> [1] 989 355 840 26 519 426 649 766 211 932 590 593 555 871 373 844 143 544 490
#> [20] 621 775 905
#> $seeds[[3]]
#> [1] 937 842 23 923 956 309 135 821 997 224 166 217 290 581 72 588 575 141 722
#> [20] 865 859 153
#> $seeds[[4]]
#> [1] 294 277 463 41 431 90 316 223 528 116 606 774 747 456 598 854 39 159 752
#> [20] 209 374 818
#> $seeds[[5]]
#> [1] 34 516 13 69 895 755 409 308 278 89 928 537 983 291 424 880 286 908 671
#> [20] 121 110 158
#> $seeds[[6]]
#> [1] 64 483 910 477 480 711 67 663 890 847 85 165 648 51 74 178 362 236 610
#> [20] 330 726 127
#> $seeds[[7]]
#> [1] 972 212 686 785 958 814 310 931 744 878 243 862 847 792 113 983 619 903 477
#> [20] 975 151 666
#> $seeds[[8]]
#> [1] 614 767 160 391 155 426 5 326 784 280 800 789 567 843 932 238 764 339 39
#> [20] 822 137 455
#> $seeds[[9]]
#> [1] 738 560 589 83 696 879 39 196 769 680 286 606 500 985 784 344 310 459 944
#> [20] 20 872 195
#> $seeds[[10]]
#> [1] 861 164 52 876 534 177 554 827 84 523 633 951 392 302 597 877 706 619 589
#> [20] 430 710 761
#> $seeds[[11]]
#> [1] 712 428 672 250 804 429 398 528 983 381 545 40 936 522 473 200 978 125 265
#> [20] 775 903 186
#> $seeds[[12]]
#> [1] 573 252 458 152 831 54 919 538 235 289 185 765 413 627 522 309 995 205 875
#> [20] 779 537 564
#> $seeds[[13]]
#> [1] 794 391 409 727 346 160 468 509 920 57 457 617 357 279 270 878 646 347 129
#> [20] 218 618 881
#> $seeds[[14]]
#> [1] 698 337 797 26 539 981 519 956 757 666 553 724 390 498 222 671 861 657 960
#> [20] 421 57 660
#> $seeds[[15]]
#> [1] 163 985 238 673 578 516 330 225 389 117 537 648 55 217 597 557 658 682 415
#> [20] 134 711 957
#> $seeds[[16]]
#> [1] 873 688 913 757 941 988 447 821 104 993 831 711 468 210 349 401 737 258 177
#> [20] 386 141 24
#> $seeds[[17]]
#> [1] 945 963 466 130 165 703 588 377 781 170 445 710 874 234 422 508 880 64 80
#> [20] 483 548 475
#> $seeds[[18]]
#> [1] 291 765 343 323 479 560 450 111 791 963 905 317 807 222 287 734 585 292 226
#> [20] 790 890 684
#> $seeds[[19]]
#> [1] 297 860 605 637 811 39 237 165 619 33 83 396 866 277 209 76 94 803 30
#> [20] 217 946 175
#> $seeds[[20]]
#> [1] 374 323 115 377 850 608 465 358 682 424 938 96 538 397 404 742 148 980 862
#> [20] 937 392 935
#> $seeds[[21]]
#> [1] 714 593 447 338 744 243 106 887 11 625 364 386 403 461 141
#> [16] 31 926 115 790 94 1000 16
#> $seeds[[22]]
#> [1] 709 420 178 417 464 412 177 524 437 924 578 562 204 175 947 373 646 996 384
#> [20] 122 399 403
#> $seeds[[23]]
#> [1] 315 259 494 865 760 289 48 331 100 108 301 10 170 280 348 402 209 468 827
#> [20] 649 309 395
#> $seeds[[24]]
#> [1] 108 8 626 261 541 306 326 74 282 585 267 887 262 736 204 723 219 696 352
#> [20] 667 119 452
#> $seeds[[25]]
#> [1] 856 924 579 622 936 646 36 55 490 240 891 632 862 304 10 665 422 612 105
#> [20] 793 388 463
#> $seeds[[26]]
#> [1] 180 278 373 241 24 679 559 956 703 37 686 566 303 719 912 19 712 671 378
#> [20] 549 615 244
#> $seeds[[27]]
#> [1] 48 188 958 464 393 139 299 371 670 189 970 311 991 418 569 382 38 84 319
#> [20] 686 846 838
#> $seeds[[28]]
#> [1] 402 642 120 712 331 533 441 199 499 599 72 315 714 677 81 55 134 424 756
#> [20] 6 128 879
#> $seeds[[29]]
#> [1] 668 800 49 739 476 239 340 193 709 459 303 148 898 190 624 191 446 119 627
#> [20] 522 982 59
#> $seeds[[30]]
#> [1] 817 903 61 422 108 292 373 535 115 930 600 644 950 413 698 983 763 203 758
#> [20] 246 440 947
#> $seeds[[31]]
#> [1] 690 251 560 643 545 990 162 322 576 168 442 788 78 665 493 199 424 445 95
#> [20] 918 464 379
#> $seeds[[32]]
#> [1] 342 221 696 161 620 448 242 693 927 814 968 536 828 926 407 229 224 785 474
#> [20] 699 441 171
#> $seeds[[33]]
#> [1] 23 218 484 301 648 79 511 507 164 237 579 807 929 422 493 730 796 209 599
#> [20] 693 358 650
#> $seeds[[34]]
#> [1] 877 358 41 904 129 848 886 450 232 334 396 730 840 639 998 264 697 201 52
#> [20] 225 67 680
#> $seeds[[35]]
#> [1] 770 577 457 903 973 541 20 206 124 592 775 740 45 332 281 91 653 980 138
#> [20] 606 127 425
#> $seeds[[36]]
#> [1] 780 8 839 271 595 945 747 167 499 255 599 634 931 902 71 772 970 81 944
#> [20] 776 437 579
#> $seeds[[37]]
#> [1] 876 896 437 750 270 412 646 137 673 628 46 64 531 229 610 129 220 692 222
#> [20] 836 507 602
#> $seeds[[38]]
#> [1] 122 331 901 502 484 787 291 929 743 709 829 919 169 729 447 561 341 69 320
#> [20] 504 76 2
#> $seeds[[39]]
#> [1] 886 786 772 106 111 855 374 72 449 888 971 229 523 719 335 953 56 618 271
#> [20] 207 436 876
#> $seeds[[40]]
#> [1] 957 601 292 387 263 68 120 744 565 357 792 742 836 835 523 586 256 349 471
#> [20] 901 88 416
#> $seeds[[41]]
#> [1] 857 11 586 463 755 700 287 842 685 827 280 512 803 242 778 64 328 172 298
#> [20] 160 679 903
#> $seeds[[42]]
#> [1] 678 529 468 384 929 741 970 365 994 898 591 471 879 227 834 838 622 315 943
#> [20] 243 265 535
#> $seeds[[43]]
#> [1] 793 911 982 112 456 93 489 789 631 48 969 482 248 105 171 696 459 516 839
#> [20] 312 562 892
#> $seeds[[44]]
#> [1] 139 758 481 843 828 250 742 597 330 633 626 195 99 98 58 424 525 8 258
#> [20] 635 262 599
#> $seeds[[45]]
#> [1] 529 928 206 199 589 840 870 459 234 1000 839 55 892 531 753
#> [16] 488 271 942 398 218 155 209
#> $seeds[[46]]
#> [1] 545 818 786 660 347 810 74 565 831 329 671 339 55 247 370 530 876 44 860
#> [20] 533 541 376
#> $seeds[[47]]
#> [1] 932 84 535 554 709 194 594 460 830 576 77 619 691 658 266 713 355 470 339
#> [20] 200 237 258
#> $seeds[[48]]
#> [1] 380 939 893 766 112 5 469 479 612 411 407 899 655 746 615 58 391 290 287
#> [20] 466 530 488
#> $seeds[[49]]
#> [1] 814 265 591 913 647 478 904 321 9 867 281 642 907 708 40 148 651 18 950
#> [20] 398 963 348
#> $seeds[[50]]
#> [1] 67 878 732 605 383 551 151 591 471 344 168 161 421 444 29 633 241 966 665
#> [20] 42 922 44
#> $seeds[[51]]
#> [1] 224
#> $adaptive
#> $adaptive$min
#> [1] 5
#> $adaptive$alpha
#> [1] 0.05
#> $adaptive$method
#> [1] "gls"
#> $adaptive$complete
#> [1] TRUE
#> $trim
#> [1] FALSE
#> $allowParallel
#> [1] TRUE
Created on 2020-01-07 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)
Also, consider whether you need the optional seeds
an optional set of integers that will be used to set the seed at each resampling iteration. This is useful when the models are run in parallel. A value of NA will stop the seed from being set within the worker processes while a value of NULL will set the seeds using a random set of integers. Alternatively, a list can be used. The list should have B+1 elements where B is the number of resamples, unless method is "boot632" in which case B is the number of resamples plus 1. The first B elements of the list should be vectors of integers of length M where M is the number of models being evaluated. The last element of the list only needs to be a single integer (for the final model)