You can get close to this with {pander}
or {kableExtra}
, but @macjo16 is right—for full-fig publication quality you need to output to pdf
and do a fair amount of LaTeX dark art, using xtable
and perhaps shell scripting like
pandoc main.Rmd --to latex --from markdown+autolink_bare_uris+ascii_identifiers+tex_math_single_backslash-implicit_figures --output main.pdf --template /Users/rc/steamer/thematicR/packrat/lib/x87_64-apple-darwin13.4.0/3.2.1/rmarkdown/rmarkdown/templates/tufte_handout/resources/tufte-handout.tex --highlight-style pygments --latex-engine /Library/TeX/texbin/xelatex
or even lua
filters to pandoc. It all depends on the data, the layout desired and facility with LaTeX.
See the FAQ: How to do a minimal reproducible example reprex
for beginners. Data is key. It doesn't have to be all your data, or even your data at all. And, come to think of it, is your question presentation (which is what we've been discussing) or does it have to do with the calculations?