R CMD check on github actions failing suddenly with missing renv ${VERSION}

Sounds reasonable :slight_smile:
I'm ok deleting the test repo for this presumably, yeah?

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Sorry Gábor, I'm still having problems on another repo, which failed after a minor patch (but only on the ubuntu runners?! see here) .

I tried adding the v2-branch and keeping .Rprofile and it still failed and then removing .Rprofile also didn't work. :slightly_frowning_face:

That seems like a completely different issue, the gert binary is not compatible with the OS. Try clearing the cache first.

Btw. I updated @v2, so no need to use @v2-branch any more.

Ah, OK, sorry, but why if i keep the .Rprofile the error is related to the proxy configuration? I thought we established that i didn't need to delete .Rprofile.
But you are right, the original error is not related, especially if @v2 was already the correct one.

So can you link to a build that keeps the .Rprofile and fails?

This one here seems to be failing because of the proxy settings in .Rprofile.

Well, maybe you need to skip those setting on GHA? E.g. with

if (Sys.getenv("CI") != "true") {
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@maja See the commits here: Keep .Rprofile on GHA, but don't run extras · gaborcsardi/UMARaccessR@e14079a · GitHub

Ugh, sorry, my bad, i forgot about the skipping part, thanks again :pray:

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