PSnonmem and GGPLOT

I found this code on line to produce a vpcfig2. The code was located at:

After I started the R session I get the warning error that the file can’t be opened. This is a folder that I have access to on my C:drive. Can anyone tell me how to overcome this issue?


 vpcfig2(vpcdir = "C:/BIPHENPEDS_NDA205831/PhysiolPopFit/PSN/run2_vpc", vpctab = "C:/BIPHENPEDS_NDA205831/PhysiolPopFit/PSN/run2_vpc",

         vpcresult = "C:/BIPHENPEDS_NDA205831/PhysiolPopFit/PSN/run2_vpc",

        use.model.path = TRUE, strata.names = CMT, strata.subset = NULL,

        percentile = 10, fy = function(y) {     y }, fx = function(x) {     x },

        xlab = ("Time, hrs "), ylab =("Concentration ng/ml"), = "gray20", = 1, = 19, = 0.5, col.line = "grey20", lwd.line = 1,

        lty.line = c(2, 1, 2), col.segm = c("steelblue", "gray50", "steelblue"),

        alpha.segm = 0.6, type = 3)

#> VPC based on files:

#>    C:/BIPHENPEDS_NDA205831/PhysiolPopFit/PSN/run2_vpc

#> and

#>    C:/BIPHENPEDS_NDA205831/PhysiolPopFit/PSN/run2_vpc

#> Warning in file(file, "rt"): cannot open file 'C:/BIPHENPEDS_NDA205831/

#> PhysiolPopFit/PSN/run2_vpc': Permission denied

#> Error in file(file, "rt"): cannot open the connection

Created on 2018-12-09 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)