Please help :gganimate not generating any plot

it shows that way because a reprex should be reproducible (on the computers of others ) and yours is not; as csrainfall.csv and temp.csv are not present on others computers ...

Common approaches to overcome this are to use datapasta package, or base R's dput() functionality to create representative objects of the data in R form (i.e. post read in)
so knowing that you would make rain from csvrainfall.csv, you would do that on your computer; and then use dpaste to make a textual representation of the data.frame rain, and share that.
reading csv's is presumably not your problem and can be left out of your reprex, with replacement data that is constructed from a dput output.

This is described here :

Also important :
A reprex should explicitly state the libraries/packages it relies upon , i.e. tidyverse , gganimate etc. as the code would not be expected to run without these, so they can not be omitted.