New Variable in Dataframe with pre-conditions

Hi Lukas,

Welcome! In the future, try to share your data in a reproducible fashion. It is not directly obvious how to get your example data into R. I was able to use datapasta but this isn't always the case. Learn about reproducible examples here:

Anyways, on to the problem. I first had to convert some text to numbers and then the key to your problem was using case_when which is similar to a bunch of if-else statements.


friend_country <- data.frame(
   stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
   Person.Name = c("Alex","Bob","Charlie",
   Person.Country = c("Austria","Denmark",
                      "France","The Netherlands","Finland",
   Most.friends.come.from = c("Austria",
                              "United States","France","Spain","Sweden",
   Most.friends.come.from.percent = c("51,00%","14,00%",
   Second.most.friends.come.from = c("Sweden","Denmark",
                                     "Spain","Sweden","United States",
                                     "United States"),
   Second.most.friends.come.from.percent = c("12,00%","10,00%",
   Third.most.friends.come.from = c("Norway","Spain",
                                    "United States","United States",
   Third.most.friends.come.from.percent = c("5,00%","5,00%",

conv_percent <- function(x){
   str_replace_all(x, ",", ".") %>% parse_number() # in my country, . is used where you use , so I had to replace this

friend_country %>%
         TRUE ~ 0
#>   Person.Name  Person.Country Most.friends.come.from
#> 1        Alex         Austria                Austria
#> 2         Bob         Denmark          United States
#> 3     Charlie          France                 France
#> 4       Diana The Netherlands                  Spain
#> 5         Eva         Finland                 Sweden
#> 6     Felicia         Germany                Austria
#>   Most.friends.come.from.percent Second.most.friends.come.from
#> 1                             51                        Sweden
#> 2                             14                       Denmark
#> 3                             30                         Spain
#> 4                             32                        Sweden
#> 5                             60                 United States
#> 6                             24                 United States
#>   Second.most.friends.come.from.percent Third.most.friends.come.from
#> 1                                    12                       Norway
#> 2                                    10                        Spain
#> 3                                    15                United States
#> 4                                    28                United States
#> 5                                    20                      Finland
#> 6                                    23                        Spain
#>   Third.most.friends.come.from.percent
#> 1                                    5                   51
#> 2                                    5                   10
#> 3                                   12                   30
#> 4                                   10                    0
#> 5                                   10                   10
#> 6                                   17                    0

Created on 2021-12-20 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)