My Rmd doesn´t knit

I am sorry to hear that.
To be sure: you mean that also the html document is not generated?

In the path of the first printscreen I see the word OneDrive.
I am not sure if and how OneDrive files are supported in R.
The easiest way to check if your errors are related to the use of OneDrive is to copy the Rmd file to a local file ( a file on a hard disk on your computer, not a network file).

However in the same first printscreen I looks like the install of Tex Live on a local file is starting with downloading files. For a full install I would expect packages to be installed (but maybe this is not done related to a previous installation).

So please check if working with a local file to create an html document works.
If that works we can try to find a way to work with OneDrive files.

EDIT: also see