Merge Not Converging on Key

This produces the expected result for a full join with the sample data you have provided


dataa <- tibble::tribble(
    ~IDs, ~Age,  ~Gender,     ~race_eth,                     ~relationship_status,
    "SS35",  22L, "Female",       "White", "Single, not in a romantic relationship",
    "SS34",  18L, "Female",       "White", "Single, not in a romantic relationship",
    "SS33",  20L, "Female",       "White",                                "Widowed",
    "SS02",  21L, "Female", "Multiracial",      "Not married but in a relationship",
    "SS08",  22L, "Female",    "Hispanic",      "Not married but in a relationship",
    "SS10",  21L, "Female",       "White", "Single, not in a romantic relationship",
    "SS19",  19L, "Female",       "White",      "Not married but in a relationship",
    "SS22",  20L, "Female",       "Other", "Single, not in a romantic relationship",
    "SS26",  21L, "Female",    "Hispanic", "Single, not in a romantic relationship",
    "SS27",  21L, "Female",       "White",      "Not married but in a relationship"

dataab <- tibble::tribble(
    ~IDs, ~StartStress, ~RetBase, ~HRT_00_00, ~HRT_00_01, ~HRT_00_02, ~HRT_00_03, ~HRT_00_04, ~HRT_00_05,
    "SS34",      "25_14",  "21_20",        56L,        55L,        55L,        54L,        52L,        51L,
    "SS35",      "26_55",  "22_15",        76L,        76L,        76L,        77L,        78L,        78L,
    "SS33",      "25_34",  "21_25",       103L,       103L,       103L,       103L,       103L,       104L,
    "SS02",      "25_50",  "22_20",       105L,       104L,       112L,       112L,       113L,       100L,
    "SS26",      "26_23",  "21_45",        47L,        47L,        47L,        47L,        45L,        45L,
    "SS27",      "26_00",  "22_35",        53L,        53L,        53L,        53L,        53L,        52L,
    "SS08",      "25_00",  "19_40",        80L,        80L,        80L,        80L,        81L,        82L,
    "SS19",      "26_15",  "22_50",        94L,        81L,        80L,        74L,        74L,        74L,
    "SS10",      "26_45",  "22_05",        96L,        96L,        96L,        96L,        93L,        90L,
    "SS22",      "25_20",  "21_15",        61L,        66L,        66L,        66L,        66L,        71L,
    "CD11",      "25_40",  "22_00",        48L,        49L,        49L,        49L,        49L,        49L

#> # A tibble: 11 × 13
#>    IDs     Age Gender race_eth    relationship_st… StartStress RetBase HRT_00_00
#>    <chr> <int> <chr>  <chr>       <chr>            <chr>       <chr>       <int>
#>  1 SS35     22 Female White       Single, not in … 26_55       22_15          76
#>  2 SS34     18 Female White       Single, not in … 25_14       21_20          56
#>  3 SS33     20 Female White       Widowed          25_34       21_25         103
#>  4 SS02     21 Female Multiracial Not married but… 25_50       22_20         105
#>  5 SS08     22 Female Hispanic    Not married but… 25_00       19_40          80
#>  6 SS10     21 Female White       Single, not in … 26_45       22_05          96
#>  7 SS19     19 Female White       Not married but… 26_15       22_50          94
#>  8 SS22     20 Female Other       Single, not in … 25_20       21_15          61
#>  9 SS26     21 Female Hispanic    Single, not in … 26_23       21_45          47
#> 10 SS27     21 Female White       Not married but… 26_00       22_35          53
#> 11 CD11     NA <NA>   <NA>        <NA>             25_40       22_00          48
#> # … with 5 more variables: HRT_00_01 <int>, HRT_00_02 <int>, HRT_00_03 <int>,
#> #   HRT_00_04 <int>, HRT_00_05 <int>

Created on 2022-07-14 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

Can you explain in which way this differs from the result you are expecting? ideally, Can you provide a proper REPRoducible EXample (reprex) illustrating your issue.

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