Hi @jlacko, your're probably right about it being more of a a question of how to we manage our entity dimensions in general. In reality, we are having trouble expressing similar issues with our data, particularly when it comes to mapping out the sites, as we deal with alot of 1-to-many relationships.
For example, in our full data sample, we have 29 values for our 'PointUse' category, with some sites only possessing 1 value, while others can posses any combination up to those 29 choices. Still, being able to color code sites is still one of our top requests from clients, even if it has to mean that *farm + house = blue because house trumps farm (if only for mapping reasons) (there will be other filters included in our final app so the client knows the shown sites include their selected filter choices, even if the color seems wrong).
Something akin to to the second approach would probably work best for us (e.g., farm = red, house = blue, farm + house = blue because house trumps farm; or vice versa).