Yes, I am running devtools::install_github
. I install two packages before this one using it.
The only reason I am using a remote package is because the CRAN version of this package won't load. I am getting errors on the server due to one of the dependencies (OpenMx
), similar to this: gcc - Installing OpenMx package in R on Ubuntu 18.04LTS - Stack Overflow.
ran successfully:
"semPlot": {
"Source": "github",
"Repository": null,
"description": {
"Package": "semPlot",
"Type": "Package",
"Title": "Path Diagrams and Visual Analysis of Various SEM Packages'\nOutput",
"Version": "1.1.5",
"Authors@R": "c(\n person(\"Sacha\", \"Epskamp\", email = \"\",role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n person(\"Simon\", \"Stuber\", role = c(\"ctb\")),\n person(\"Jason\", \"Nak\", role = c(\"ctb\")),\n person(\"Myrthe\", \"Veenman\", role = c(\"ctb\")),\n person(given = c(\"Terrence\",\"D.\"), family = \"Jorgensen\", role = c(\"ctb\"), comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0001-5111-6773\"))\n )",
"Maintainer": "Sacha Epskamp <>",
"Depends": "R (>= 2.15.0)",
"Suggests": "MplusAutomation (>= 0.5-3)",
"Imports": "qgraph (>= 1.2.4), lavaan (>= 0.5-11), sem (>= 3.1-0), plyr,\nXML, igraph (>= 0.6-3), lisrelToR, rockchalk, colorspace,\ncorpcor, methods",
"ByteCompile": "yes",
"Description": "Path diagrams and visual analysis of various SEM packages' output.",
"URL": "",
"License": "GPL-2",
"LazyLoad": "yes",
"RemoteType": "github",
"RemoteHost": "",
"RemoteRepo": "semPlot",
"RemoteUsername": "melissagwolf",
"RemoteRef": "packrat_errors",
"RemoteSha": "6041366e37fc6f4509e17d09541ac69159c32238",
"GithubRepo": "semPlot",
"GithubUsername": "melissagwolf",
"GithubRef": "packrat_errors",
"GithubSHA1": "6041366e37fc6f4509e17d09541ac69159c32238",
"NeedsCompilation": "no",
"Packaged": "2023-11-07 10:22:03 UTC; missg",
"Author": "Sacha Epskamp [aut, cre],\n Simon Stuber [ctb],\n Jason Nak [ctb],\n Myrthe Veenman [ctb],\n Terrence D. Jorgensen [ctb] (<>)",
"Built": "R 4.3.0; ; 2023-11-07 10:22:04 UTC; windows"
This is another example of an error I got from the same attempted deployment: Unable to publish Shiny App on Rstudio-Connect, with lme4
I just tried pushing the app again with the CRAN version of the package (semPlot
) and it suddenly went through, although the app has been stuck loading for the last 20 minutes. I did not do anything, so I am not sure why the OpenMx
error suddenly went away?
In general, everything feels very unstable and I do not understand why errors are appearing and disappearing.