How to swap serial number column with first column of data?

Is this what you mean?

(sample_df <- data.frame(col1 = letters[1:5],
                        col2 = rnorm(5),
                        col3 = rnorm(5)))
#>   col1       col2        col3
#> 1    a -1.1516010  0.04966653
#> 2    b  0.4765599  2.10323658
#> 3    c  0.8362574 -1.45946950
#> 4    d  0.1447962 -0.37182843
#> 5    e  0.2714111  0.10338340

rownames(sample_df) <- sample_df$col1
#>         col2        col3
#> a -1.1516010  0.04966653
#> b  0.4765599  2.10323658
#> c  0.8362574 -1.45946950
#> d  0.1447962 -0.37182843
#> e  0.2714111  0.10338340

Created on 2020-10-12 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

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