The dput
is character data. For the original layout, never use a double header—save that for reports as noted by @gueyenono
Here's a reprex
FAQ minimal reproducible example which illustrates the need to rethink the data layout along tidy
lines identified by @phiggins
mk_arcsq <- function(x) asin(sqrt(x[, 2:length(x)] / 100))
# OP's dput was character
DF <- structure(list(clade_name = c(
"Actinomyces_odontolyticus", "Bifidobacterium_adolescentis",
"Bifidobacterium_bifidum", "Bifidobacterium_longum", "Bifidobacterium_pseudocatenulatum",
"Collinsella_aerofaciens", "Collinsella_intestinalis", "Collinsella_stercoris"
), ERR275252_profile = c(
0, 0.26989, 0, 2.46071, 0, 3.91749,
0.01625, 0.06886
), ERR260268_profile = c(
0, 0.21046, 0.07668,
1.68152, 0, 1.27748, 0, 0.01677
), ERR260265_profile = c(
0, 0, 0, 0, 0.68346, 0.00148, 0.01178
), ERR260264_profile = c(
2.00023, 0.33464, 1.76625, 0, 3.54635, 0.01948, 0.07679
), ERR260263_profile = c(
1.24158, 0, 1.91239, 0, 3.45814, 0.00618, 0.08548
), ERR260261_profile = c(
0.9991, 0, 0, 0, 1.35682, 0.00277, 0.0159
)), class = c(
"tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"
), row.names = c(NA, -8L), spec = structure(list(
cols = list(clade_name = structure(list(), class = c(
)), ERR275252_profile = structure(list(), class = c(
)), ERR260268_profile = structure(list(), class = c(
)), ERR260265_profile = structure(list(), class = c(
)), ERR260264_profile = structure(list(), class = c(
)), ERR260263_profile = structure(list(), class = c(
)), ERR260261_profile = structure(list(), class = c(
))), default = structure(list(), class = c(
)), skip = 1L
), class = "col_spec"))
# sq
DF[, 2:length(DF)] <- mk_arcsq(DF)
o <- DF[1,]
Table continues below
clade_name | ERR275252_profile | ERR260268_profile |
Actinomyces_odontolyticus | 0 | 0 |
Table continues below
ERR260265_profile | ERR260264_profile | ERR260263_profile | ERR260261_profile |
0.00584 | 0 | 0.01776 | 0 |
Created on 2021-01-01 by the reprex package (v0.3.0.9001)
The last line illustrates the need to pivot_longer
as suggested by @phiggins — if the bacterium is the observation, the corresponding vector of ERR*profile values will not provide informative statistics.