No worries. Is it okay if you create a separate data frame for the bacteria that can be meta-analysed? So we preserve the original dataset all_csv
This will automate the identification and filtering of all the single-instance bacteria, and keeps all the meta-analysable studies in a new df called final_csv
# Extract a vector of all the single bacteria studies
single_bacteria <- all_csv %>% count(Bacteria, sort = TRUE) %>%
filter(n == 1) %>% select(Bacteria) %>% .$Bacteria
[1] "Adlercreutzia" "Asaccharobacter" "Atopobium"
# Keep only those bacteria that have >1 studies without having to type each bacteria out
final_csv <- all_csv[which(!all_csv$Bacteria %in% single_bacteria), ]
# Our usual code, except now all_csv is replaced with final_csv
bacteria_names <- unique(final_csv$Bacteria)
df <- data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = 7, nrow = length(bacteria_names)))
df[, 1] <- bacteria_names
names(df) <- c("Bacteria", "estimate", "se", "zval", "pval", "", "ci.ub")
for(i in 1:length(bacteria_names)){
ma_model <-, vi, data = final_csv, subset = (Bacteria == bacteria_names[i]))
re_table <- coef(summary(ma_model))
df[i, -1] <- re_table
Bacteria estimate se zval pval ci.ub
1 Aeriscardovia -1.919381 0.1637011 -11.724907 9.500536e-32 -2.240229 -1.598532
2 Bifidobacterium 2.503891 0.2804214 8.929031 4.297546e-19 1.954275 3.053507
3 Brevibacterium -2.324798 0.3074499 -7.561552 3.982888e-14 -2.927389 -1.722207